Hosted Calling Card Solutions
Affordable and feature-rich prepaid card system enables you to offer competitive prepaid card solutions to subscribers.
Agents and distributors that can be physically or physically distributed online. Prepaid calling cards allow you to capture local and international calls from terrestrial and mobile networks to other operators and their subscribers. Telephone cards and prepaid services make international communications accessible to low-income migrants, stimulating the growth of calls to developing countries in particular.
What is white level prepaid calling card Prepaid phone services offer consumers a convenient way to connect with family, friends and business partners who go beyond the long-distance network of their major residential, commercial or mobile operators at great cost. These services are provided by traditional telephone operators and next-generation VoIP service providers and delivered to consumers through wholesale, retail and direct channels.
What you will get in calling card solutions
- PIN and PIN less Calling Card Option
- Multi-lingual IVR Support
- Multiple Payment and Sign up Methods
- Accurate Billing & Performance Reporting
- Bulk Calling Card Generation
- Online Signup and Password retrieval
- Easy web management interface
- Real-time billing, rating and routing
- Costing by ANI, NPA, NPA+NXX, DNIS
- Easy Migration from your Existing Calling Card Platform
- Flexible Rating to Meet your Needs